full length shifter housing...

Originally posted by "dave in banff" on the old Athletic Progression forum.

I've been a big fan of doing a full length housing for shifters for a while.   The advantages are that you can route the housing where you want it on the frame (away from bottles, suspension, on the top or bottom of the tubes, on the top or down tube, etc).  Also you have only one point that contamination can enter the shifting system, so longer lasting, cleaner shifts.  The downside (in the past) was that you can't always attach the housing, to the bike frame, in a nice way, and sometimes the housing can rub on the frame too.

 Good news, we now have a solution for this.   Full posting is at  http://forums.mtbr.com/showthread.php?t=581491 .

you need some thin, plastic hose (30ft for $5 at CND tire) and cut off a small donut of this and slide it down a zip tie.    Then loop the ziptie around the housing, and put the ziptie back thru the donut.  Wrap the ziptie around the bike frame, and cut the end clean, and you are ready too go.

 so, now that you now how to do this go replace your cable and housing, and make the bike shift like new again.